Streamlined Manual Sourcing
On-Page Tool for Amazon and Walmart Sellers, Now with WFS Calculator!

Bill U.
"Profit Seeker Pro has significantly streamlined this manual process for us. It connects to our product lists, enabling us to quickly search titles and compare results directly on Amazon. It’s truly a game-changer."
Jon P.
"It’s a perfect companion to Joseph's Proven Bot Sourcing training on OA, and we’ve also been using it very successfully with our wholesale supplier files. I can confidently say that if you're serious about growing your Amazon business and looking for an edge, then you'll definitely want to get this tool and put it to work as soon as possible."
Alice B.
"If you’ve been through Jimmy Smith’s Replens training, then you're aware that the most valuable product listings are found when manually searching product titles and variations. The goal is to locate obscure listings that can’t be easily found using tools that only search the UPC. While this manual process is painfully slow, it's highly effective in identifying listings with greater profit potential and longevity."
Joseph K
"Profit Seeker Pro saves me and my virtual assistants time with manual sourcing on Amazon - quickly finding new products and reviewing old leads. I can easily spot missed bundles, multipacks, and underserved ASINS. - Joseph K."
Mark H.
"Testimonial - I was excited when I heard about the Proven Bot Sourcing Course. It gives you the tools to source products from any site. The bot creates a file to use in Tactical Arbitrage or Arbitrage Hero, but the are not perfect. Nothing beats a pair of human eyes. That's where Profit Seeker Pro, a chrome extension, comes in. PSP will bring your manual sourcing to a whole new level. With PSP and a couple more extensions I can match a product and know my cost and if it will be profitable in minutes. Thank you, Joseph and your team."
Dan D.
"I tried the new software. Love it, Found a good ASIN within minutes so it's already paid for itself"
Designed for easy use


Search with google
input for sale discount %
larger image on mouse hover
editable title with search
Link to product
upload any excel file


You can enjoy a 14-day free trial with the monthly and Annual options. Following the trial period, the pricing options are as follows: $9.95 per month or $99.95 per year.


monthly subscription. Includes 14 day free trial . cancel at any time


Annual Subscription gives 2 months free. full extension access

Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of this extension is to help you make faster and more informed product decisions.

Yes, just download and install the extension on another computer and login with same credentials. 

Right now Google Chrome extensions do not work on the mobile versions of Chrome. The extension works on a laptop/desktop version of Google Chrome.

Yes, the extension is available for use on every Amazon marketplace.

Currently it is only available for use in the Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers.

Yes, as long they are doing work for your seller account, they can use the extension as well. To set it up on more than one computer, just download and install on VA’s computer and login with your credentials.

Click on the extension and select the setting icon, be sure the check mark is not checked so you can see the extension again.

When on click on your profile image > click on subscriptions > click on the 3 dots to the right of your subscription and click on “cancel”

Contact Us

If you cannot see your PSP gadget please click on the PSP extension in your google chrome extensions > click the gear icon > uncheck the Detail Box Disbale.
If you are being blocked by Godaddy's firewall please email us an image or text of your error to

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